As discussed in the Fall Newsletter, the Board is hosting a forum for interested candidates to learn more about board positions, position responsibilities, talk to the current board members, and talk to your neighbors.
Author: admin
9/7/23 – Meeting Minutes
8/22/23 – Meeting Minutes
Community Yard Sale – 09/16/23
Thanks to all who responded to the Summer Newsletter regarding another Community Yard Sale!
A Fall Yard Sale is a go!!!!!
Saturday Sept. 16th 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
The Board will place signs on SC 11 and at all three of our neighborhood entrances. Mrs. Cozak graciously offered to also advertise our Yard Sale in The Journal.
8/12/23 – Meeting Minutes
8/3/23 – Meeting Minutes
Update 9/23/2023:
The Association had a great turnout for our Special Meeting yesterday. We exceeded our quorum of 60 and the results of the business under consideration was as follows:
- A motion to amend the bylaws, paragraph 6.8, was adopted unanimously to remove the restriction to pay bills only by check.
- A motion to correct the missing page error on the deed for the roads was adopted unanimously.
- After a spirited discussion, the Association affirmed that Windsor of Walhalla will maintain the front entrance, and the Association will formalize the relationship with a lease agreement.
- Windsor of Walhalla agreed to provide three signage options on the main entrance sign for the Falcon’s Lair Community within the next month.
- Meeting minutes can be found here.
Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Association will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at Walhalla High School auditorium. Notices were also mailed out on Monday, July 1st, 2023 per the by-laws.
It is important for us to have a quorum to vote on our options. A quorum will be 60 votes. Please find a list and the contact information of your neighbors included with the mailed notice. The Board encourages everyone to attend this special meeting or submit their proxy allowing someone else to attend the meeting and act on their behalf. We have heard a lot of people voice their concerns regarding the present signage at the main entrance, it is important we get this all cleared up.
Covenants Violations
The Board is receiving a lot of calls about covenants violations in our neighborhood. The biggest complaints are:
- Parked trailers remaining on properties for than a couple of days.
- Parking of cars/truck on the street beyond the normal time of a visit (2-3 hours).
Please review our covenants on our website If these violations continue the Board will contact you.
BEAR Warning
The neighborhood had an actual bear sighting on 8/6/2023 at approximately 7:00am. A resident took a small dog out for his morning business, when turning the corner on his house, a bear popped up. The bear was approximately 4 foot high on four legs, and weighted an estimated 400 – 500 pounds.
Please remember that a few ways we can help reduce the presence of bears in our community is to remove the feeding sources (bird feeders and trash) by placing trash in your garage until early on trash days and not put bird feeders out until after daylight and taking them in at sundown.